Resistance Agent Verification Tool

Status: Signing In

Welcome, agent!

We need to verify your Google+ identity for use in the Resistance community. Please sign in:

The Google+ Sign-In button should load here. If it does not load, you may have an "anti-social" extension installed. Please make sure no extension is blocking the Google+ Social APIs for this site.


Most agents prefer to use their normal Google+ identity for participating in the Ingress community. This is generally recommended. However some agents prefer to maintain a second independent identity specifically for Ingress.

One way to have a separate identity is to use a Google+ Page. However Pages are not fully functional: you cannot use them for taking part in Hangouts for example. More significantly, they are not directly supported by this tool, because Google+ sign-in only works with normal profiles.

Agents that need fully functional but pseudonymous identities for participating in the Ingress community on Google+ usually create a new Google+ profile, often using their agent name as their first name and "Ingress" as surname.

Welcome, [realName].

Agent Name:



In order to join the community, we need to associate your Google+ identity with your agent name, in order to prove you are a resistance agent. This association will be kept confidential.

You have requested a verification protocol as agent: .
Made a mistake with your agent name? Change agent name.

Your verification protocol is as follows:

Community Membership Requests Made By You

Apply for Google+ Community Membership

Once you have been verified as a Resistance agent, you can be added to a Google+ community.

Agent Lookup

Change Language:
[Switch G+ Identity]